• September


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    Covid-19 & Workplace Liability

    An unprecedented number of potential lawsuits have emerged targeting employers’ actions and responsibilities regarding coronavirus workplace safety measures.  A recent Vinson & Company national survey has found that both employers’ and employees’ behaviors matter in attributing responsibility to employers concerning the coronavirus.

    • April


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    Jurors in a Post-Pandemic World: What Litigators Need to Know

    A trial by jury has always been predicated on the availability of citizens to serve as jurors.  And while most U.S. citizens over the age of 18 are technically eligible, a variety of other considerations limit the pool from which actual jurors are selected.  Not least of which are individuals’ willingness and ability to serve.

    As we look toward a future in which the pandemic begins to recede, the economy begins to recover, and our system of justice resumes its functions, it is necessary to ask: What will the impact of the coronavirus be on a trial by jury?  How will it affect jurors’ attitudes and beliefs?  And most importantly, who will show up to serve – and what does that mean for litigators and their clients?

    • November


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    What Influences Jurors’ Hardship Requests?

    A panel of prospective jurors is brought into the courtroom. The first step in selecting the jury begins; the court inquires into who can or cannot serve for the anticipated length of the trial. Some venire members request to be excused citing hardships such as financial concerns, medical conditions or caretaking responsibilities.
    But, are there reasons beyond the obvious that influence hardship requests?  And might these reasons cause the final hardship-qualified pool to be biased in any way?

    • September


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    NAMWOLF 2019 Annual Meeting and Law Firm Expo

    David Perlut, Vice President at Vinson & Company, will be a panel discussant at the National Association of Minority and Women Owned Law Firms’ (NAMWOLF) annual meeting on September 24, 2019.

    • June


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    What Are Jurors Really Doing During Your Trial?

    A jury is seated. They are instructed not to discuss the case until all the evidence has been presented. They are instructed not to do any outside research on the case, the parties, the attorneys, the issues in dispute.

    Do jurors follow these instructions? If not, would they admit it? How many have violated the court’s directives? And why?

    • May


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    Federal Bar Council Ethics for Social Media CLE

    Dr. Norma Silverstein, Senior Vice President at Vinson & Company, will be a panel discussant for the 2018 Federal Bar Council Ethics for Social Media CLE in New York City on June 7.


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